The High Rock Shooting Association offers two types of membership for application–the traditional General Membership and the newly expanded Associate Membership. The by-laws of the Association limit the head counts for both types, but from time to time the club will announce that they have vacancies. You are always welcome to submit your application for either type of membership. Applicants are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
Becoming a new member is a four step process with the differences between the types of memberships listed below.
Step 1 … Fill out an application and submit it for review
This application can be used for either type of membership–simply check either box in the first question to indicate the type of membership in which you are interested.
Please fill out the application fully and neatly. You now have the options to fill out online and submit online, or you can fill it out online, print your response, and mail to the address below. Finally, if need be, you can print out the blank form and fill it out by hand to mail it to:
HRSA Membership Committee PO Box 771, Simsbury, Conn. 06070
Illegible or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Step 2 … You will receive an invitation to an interview with the Membership Committee.
Once you have submitted your application, you’ll wait to be contacted by a Club representative to schedule an interview with the Membership Committee. They will invite you to attend the next monthly club meeting, after which, they will conduct your interview. The Committee members will ask questions about your experience in shooting sports and your goals for becoming a member. This step applies to both types of membership.
Step 3 … You will submit an Initiation Fee to cover your background check, safety training, and club ID.
Currently, that fee is $150 for both General and Associate Members, and is payable to at the interview. Upon completion of your background check, a representative of the Membership Committee will contact you. If the results are favorable, you will be invited back to the next monthly meeting.
Step 4 … Present yourself to the full Association at the next club meting for a vote on your application.
HRSA meetings are currently being held at the Naugatuck Event Center (the old GDC Building) 6 Rubber Avenue, Naugatuck, Conn. Meetings convene at 7PM on the first Wednesday of the month. If you are voted in and accepted by the General Membership as either a General Member yourself, or an Associate Member, you will pay your annual dues for the year and sit down with a representative of the Executive Committee for an overview of Club by-laws. As of March, 2024, club dues for General Members are $50/year and for Associate Members $500/year.
… continued below.
Probationary General Membership
Upon your acceptance as a new Probationary Member, you will be briefed by a member of the Executive Committee on the By-Laws of the Association. These By-Laws lay out your rights and responsibilities as a Probationary Member. Some of which are listed below ….
- You are a Probationary Member for twelve months from the date of your acceptance.
- You cannot vote on Association business.
- You must attend eight of the twelve club meetings, as do all General Members.
- You will serve as Range Safety Officer (RSO) for two shifts each quarter of the year–either a Saturday morning, a Saturday afternoon, or a Sunday afternoon shift. Your first two such duties will be your training as an RSO.
- You must complete an additional 10 hours of service to the club, such as range clean up, volunteering with the Junior Club, or some range improvement project of your own design with club approval. Recently, the club decided to acknowledge extra RSO shifts as service hours.
- You will receive a monthly newsletter and an RSO schedule.
- The club highly encourages your membership in other organizations that promote gun safety and Second Amendment rights. Examples include the NRA, CCDL, CT State Rifle & Revolver Assoc., the National Assoc. for Gun Rights, and the Second Amendment Foundation, to name a few. See the Links page on this website for more information.
- At the completion of your fourth month as a Probationer, you must have completed the following milestones:
- You must complete your Range Officer training (at that time you will receive a range box key).
- You must cover two shifts of range duty.
- You must complete the first four hours of your ten hour additional service project.
- You must attend at least three of the four regular monthly meetings.
Probationary Associate Membership
Associate Members will complete their Range Safety Training before they can receive their key and Membership ID cards.
Associate Members will adhere to the same safety rules and regulations as both the Public Patrons and the General Members.
We look forward to meeting you to discuss the great things happening here at High Rock, and to find ways you might join in!